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FREE Express Delivery On All Orders
FREE Express Delivery On All Orders


Covid-19 Update - Last updated 04/01/2021

We are working hard here at Aspen of Hereford to keep everything running as normally as possible while strictly adhering to all government guidelines.

Dispatch - Currently we are still dispatching orders as normal and plan to continue doing so

Delivery – Our standard delivery is back to 3 days, we have been working with our shipping partners closely and have found the majority of deliveries are now being made as normal.  

All of our carriers have now switched to contactless delivery – they will sign for deliveries on your behalf and are requesting that if you see them arriving that you keep 2 meters distance from them. 

We are seeing delays of up to 2 weeks in a small number of areas with the Royal Mail, but this is only in a small number of cases - Royal Mail is not used on any express delivery orders

Returns - We are offering extended returns this year for the Christmas period. 

If you are self-isolating or in an area with a local lock down please let us know and we will be happy to extend the return period for you

Customer Service – We are still answering emails and the phone, however returns make take an extra day to be processed.

Our Team – Where possible we have taken steps to allow as many of our team as possible to work from home and are reducing contact between team members still working on site.  Santitation points have also been provided throughout our warehouse and office facilities.

We will provide updates to any changes on this page

From everyone here as Aspen of Hereford we wish you the best through these tough and unprecedented times